Application for Farmland at Snake Den Farm
Please complete the application below and submit with the necessary additional information:
• Basic Farm Plan (Something demonstrating basic farm budgets and management --see the Snake Den Farm website for templates/examples)
• 2 References
• Work history
NRICD is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If you will need any assistance with applying or translation, please call NRICD at 401.934.0840 with any questions, or email Kate Sayles at
Helpful Resources for RFP:
Name of Applicant(s):
Farm or Business Name:
Daytime Phone:
Evening/Weekend Phone:
1. Please describe the farm you wish to establish at Snake Den Farm. Tell us what you plan to grow/produce, approximate range of acres (including maximum you will need in the future), and your general practices or farming style.
2. Please describe your current farm business, or most recent farm experience. This includes work for a farm that you do not own. Please include general information such as farm size, products sold, farming style and years of experience.
3. Agricultural Practices: Please summarize your current agricultural practices, and any changes that would be required to farm at Snake Den.
4. Equipment needs and experience: What equipment do you own, have experience with, or will need in order to farm at Snake Den Farm?
5. Additional Needs: Please specify any additional needs for infrastructure, storage space, utilities, water etc. that you will require.
6. The Snake Den Farm program revolves around the conservation of natural resources. What is your definition of conservation? Please describe how you plan to use conservation in your operation.
7. The Snake Den Farm program revolves around a sense of community and collaborative partnership. What are your thoughts on working with the other farms and Snake Den? Cooperatively investing in whole-farm improvements? How do you feel about being a part owner in a cooperative or LLC? Would you be willing to share and be responsible for repairs and maintenance?
8. Additional Information: if there is anything else you’d like to tell us, please include here:
Please submit your application via email or through hand delivery to the NRICD office (2283 Hartford Avenue, Johnston, RI 02919) by midnight on November 1st.
There will be two Open Houses at Snake Den Farm to discuss available land opportunities and answer questions about the program:
- Saturday, October 14 from 10 am -12:30 pm
- Tuesday October 17 from 4 pm -6:30 pm
District Staff will get back to each farmer within two weeks of receiving an application with questions, and interviews will be scheduled for farmers moving on to the second round in early November. Leases will be offered to qualified farmers in December 2017.