The Northern RI Conservation District and Snake Den Farm
The Northern Rhode Island Conservation District (NRICD) has been charged with managing and operating Snake Den Farm, owned by the State of Rhode Island. NRICD is a non-profit, quasi-public organization that functions as a facilitator for meeting the needs of the local land user in the conservation of soil, water and other related natural resources. At NRICD, we work to foster a community-based approach to the stewardship of northern Rhode Island's natural resources through education and outreach to communities, technical assistance to farmers and forest landowners, and strong partnerships with other agencies.
Agriculture in Partnership with Nature
Credit: Kate Sayles
In November 2013, the Northern RI Conservation District signed a lease with the RI Department of Environmental Management to oversee the management of historic Snake Den Farm, a 150–acre farm located on Brown Avenue in Johnston. The farm is located within the boundary of Snake Den Park, a 744-acre State Park that stretches from Hartford Avenue to Greenville Avenue, along the Brown Avenue Historic District. The farm was founded in 1789, and was maintained as a working farm for over 200 years. For more information on the history of the farm, click here.
It is the Northern RI Conservation District’s mission to use a sustainable, conservation-minded approach to bring historic Snake Den Farm back into agricultural production. Using this approach, we strive to:
Use Best Management Practices that enhance the integrity of Snake Den Farm’s natural resources
Foster a community bond between the farm and our neighbors
Provide land for successfully growing agricultural enterprises
While getting the land back into production is NRICD’s primary goal, in time we plan to make Snake Den Farm a place to be enjoyed by the public, re-open the historic farm museum, and make Snake Den a community attraction. We are looking forward to community involvement in our project and want to make it a place for the public to learn and enjoy.